In The KIWIS – Apterygiformes

DESCRIPTION: KIWIS – Apterygiformes

Kiwi birth is a class of its own kind of bird that has rare and uncommon features that makes it exceptional from other flightless birds themselves.
There are a total of 5 types of kiwi that are discovered yet named brown kiwi, Great spotted kiwi, Little spotted kiwi, Rowi and Takoeka. The most common kiwi found are the brown kiwi.

The kiwi bird is only found in different parts of New Zealand. The solidares from New Zealand who were fighting world war II were given a short nickname kiwis. Now this nickname is associated with all the people who live In New Zealand. Kiwis are found on land in a wide range of habitats. They have been seen in the forests as well as the common farmlands of New Zealand. They prefer subtropical, temperate and beach forests,

Kiwis have a very strange physical appearance compared to other birds. They are flightless birds because their wings are very small. They don’t have a tail. Their body is covered with soft, hair-like plumage. It has a slightly curved pointed bill. Kiwis have a well-developed sense of smell compared to other birds but have poor eyesight. Because of their poor eyesight, They are nocturnal birds and find their prey with the help of the nostrils present at the end of their bill. They have strong short stubby legs.

Kiwis are solitary birds. they live alone with their paired female. Once they are bonded they live like a monogamous pair. This relationship can last up to 20 years. They also protect their territory. They lay eggs larger than other birds of this size. Some species lay only one egg in a year while others lay two to three eggs in a clutch. The eggs are incubated by both males and females. in some cases, the male incubates the eggs only. their chicks are strong enough to leave the nest within a week after they hatch.